• Question: Why did you start researching this part of science?

    Asked by 268erbb44 to Hephzi, Imogen, Jen, Jennifer, Tom on 7 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by elliephant, alice_jane.xcx, tank, Ben Grainger, Smidgen, CARRIE, Germ Buster 1, alicepalace, Tallulah, 263erbb33, jasmine, Carmela 7C, Yasmin, Eleanor (362erbb45), Sabrina, Molly3, Elizabeth :), Imy2506, izzyshortland, abbix.hardy:D.
    • Photo: Hephzi Tagoe

      Hephzi Tagoe answered on 7 Mar 2015:

      I would say this part of Science chose me. I didn’t set out to research in skin biology but I wanted something translational where what I was working on will directly impact human health. This area of skin biology was new to me and seemed really interesting to work on so I went for it.

    • Photo: Thomas Barrett

      Thomas Barrett answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I always wanted to do space things. I realized I would have gone insane trying to do physics at university so chose something I was still good at but was easier (Geology). I always made the joke I would be working on space rocks to my friends. Turns out I am! 🙂 My supervisor had been told I was looking for a PhD so rather than me applying they sent me an email saying would I be interested 🙂 How could I turn down my dream?

      I really want to go to space!

      It also helps I am getting paid to basically still be a student 😛

    • Photo: Imogen Napper

      Imogen Napper answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I started researching my subject because I am really passionate about it, and I want to make a change!

      Have you ever been to the beach and seen plastic litter like a plastic bottle or a carrier bag? It looks horrible doesn’t it! I hate seeing all this pollution!
      As plastic takes ages to break down, it is making the sea into a giant bin.
      It can have some really horrible effects, for example turtles eat plastic bags thinking they are jellyfish and then get very ill! It can also make it dangerous for us when we go to the beach, we don’t want to go swimming surrounded by plastic do we!

      My research can be used to show the bad effects plastic can have in the ocean, so that we can understand it more and make it a safer, cleaner place for the future.

      Are you passionate about anything that you want to make a change to?
      By researching in science, you can achieve anything! You could research into a cure for cancer, or the impacts of global warming. How amazing is that! 😀

    • Photo: Jennifer Rudd

      Jennifer Rudd answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      I started in this area of science because I wanted to do something that would have an effect on the world outside of just doing science because it’s fun. The work that I do will hopefully lead towards a hydrogen fuel economy, which is great for the environment and should be cheaper in the long run.

    • Photo: Jen Machin

      Jen Machin answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      I already knew that I liked working with children and that I liked science, especially neuroscience and psychology, so when this project came up and combined the two, I thought it was amazing! 🙂 I really enjoy it.
