• Question: what kind of training do you expect to go through in the astronaut training and how to do you expect it to be

    Asked by ---*DA_LONELY_EMO*--- to Tom on 9 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Barrett

      Thomas Barrett answered on 9 Mar 2015:

      Luckily for me I have been to work at NASA Johnson Space Center in the USA and have walked around their training facility for their astronauts.

      You need to learn basic Russian – As communication is shared between Russia and the USA.

      You get to go diving – They have one of the worlds largest indoor pools at JSC where they have a replica of the international space station in the water. They use this to simulate going outside the space station to do repairs.

      Lots of tech talk. You can’t just phone IT to solve your problems in space. So you need to learn the basics of how the systems work so you can solve it.

      I expect it to be incredibly tough at times, lot to learn but I think it would be worth it if I can go to space 🙂
