• Question: what are the benefits of choosing science is having a degree in all sciences get you a better chance of getting a job I want to be a medical engineer what science do I need and what qualification how does science help me in the future

    Asked by 242erbb43 to Tom, Imogen on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Barrett

      Thomas Barrett answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Good question.

      So Medical engineer, I assume Biomedical engineer correct? Well I happen to have lived with a Biomedical engineer PhD student when I was at Birmingham who works on hip and spine replacements. He did normal engineering at university until his PhD and learnt the medicine parts he needed when he took the PhD. So that is one option.

      Another option would be to look for a Biomedical engineering course. I am sure there is a course somewhere. Again I think Birmingham has biomed there.

      You could also do Robotics. If I didn’t do space science I would have done robotics and specialized in building medical robots. Which some university’s do so look our for that.

      Finally you could do normal medicine then specialize as you get older. Medics can do what is called an intercalation where they can go do another degree for a year then come back. Most medics do this in something relevant to what they want to do e.g. Infectious disease, and you come out of the year with a degree in that then carry on with medicine. So you could intercalate to engineering/biomed then carry on with medicine. They also can do an elective where you can go anywhere in the world to help in hospitals and research for a few months (my friend is going to Japan to work on helicopter rescue in earthquake areas) so again you could find somewhere to work there.

      There are many options to pick for university. But for your A levels I would suggest Maths (Or chemistry), Physics and Biology and get good grades, do some volunteering and other things to make your UCAS look good and you will be fine 🙂

      Good luck!
