• Question: how can you get more involved in science related activities?

    Asked by Eleanor (362erbb45) to Jennifer on 10 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Jennifer Rudd

      Jennifer Rudd answered on 10 Mar 2015:

      Do you mean “How can you, Jennifer, get more involved?” or “How can I, Eleanor, get more involved?”

      I’ll answer both. I, Jennifer, can get more involved by going into more schools, by talking to the royal society of chemistry about becoming a STEM ambassador and by looking out for opportunities to talk to people about what I do.

      You, Eleanor, can get more involved by talking to your science teachers. We used to have a science club at lunchtimes when I was in year 7. Ask if they could organise something like that.
      Alternatively, you could use the internet to search for experiments that you can do at home, using things you would find around the house. Have your friends over for a science party!
      You could also write a letter to one of the universities in your area and see if somebody will let you come and shadow them at work for a few days. I don’t know how old you are, but for this you’d probably have to be 16 or older.
