• Question: is there such thing as an muliverce

    Asked by ultra2416 to Tom, Jennifer, Jen, Imogen, Hephzi on 17 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Thomas Barrett

      Thomas Barrett answered on 17 Mar 2015:

      Hmmm intersting question. Well the multiverse may not just be in comics but how would we know?

      The Multiverse is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the Universe we consistently experience). One theory suggests that for each option we are given there is a universe where we took it, for example for lunch I had a sandwhich (our universe) but there is another universe where I didn’t eat my sandwhich and I bought chips. Most of these difference are tiny and will probably never affect the world in any way but enough small difference can lead to a huge difference eventually. But there would also be places where there have been one big change. Another example we landed on the Moon (our universe) and in another we didn’t. This would have a huge impact on the world.

      But sadly we have no way of proving the existence of these alternative worlds where we all have super powers or robot butlers. So if they do exists we may never no. I like to hope that there is another Tom out there doing just fine however 🙂

    • Photo: Jen Machin

      Jen Machin answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Good question! I suppose we’d only know if we ran into someone from another universe! 🙂 Even the tiniest changes in those other universes might have had a huge effect though.

      I wonder if that means there’s an evil version of me out there somewhere… I hope not! 🙂
