• Question: How old where you when you finished medical school and got your phd ?

    Asked by 528erbb43 to Imogen, Hephzi on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Hephzi Tagoe

      Hephzi Tagoe answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      I didn’ go to medical school and I’m still doing my PhD but I havent stayed in education since school.

      Finished A-levels at 18 and too a gap year so started Uni at 19. My degree was 3 year but with medical school this will be 5years.

      I left Uni at 22 and got a job in the lab. I worked there for 2 years, worked in another lab for about 1.5 years and went back to do a 1 masters degree at 26.

      I got another another job after that before leaving to start my PhD. I’m now 30 and will be finished my PhD hopefully by 33.

      If you go straight from medical school to a PhD though it should take about 8 – 10 years.
      Time goes really quickly though if it’s something you’re interested in don’t be put off by the length. After all you spend about 7 years in primary school and another 7 in secondary. 14 years in total. Another 8-10yrs is even less than the 14years spent previously. :-).

    • Photo: Imogen Napper

      Imogen Napper answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      I haven’t been to medical school either 🙂 !

      After a PhD you become a Dr, but you become a Dr in your field of research.

      So I will have a doctorate in marine science. I haven’t finished yet either, I have another two years left 😀
